Организация экскурсий из гостиницы в Пушкинский заповедник


Our travel guide will help you better define your trip’s cultural program. If you are a regular guest of the hotel, you do not have to limit yourself to a standard tour: our local areas have a long history with unique monuments, pre-Christian cult sites, orthodox sanctuaries, and the remains offortifications.

For newcomers, we invite you to take an excursion around the Altun Estate. Plus the real treasure of our land, the Mikhaylovskoye Museum Reserve, is always waiting! Excursions to Pushkinskiye Gory are one of our visitors’ favorite pastimes, as these memorable places are prized by every Russian alike.

Trips through Pushkinskiye Gory and the territory of the Altun Estate, either individual or guided, that are chosen from the Travel Guide, as well as group excursions, are available by individual order.